Acupuncture is a system of healing which has been practiced in China and other eastern countries for thousands of years.
Although often described as a means of pain relief, it is in fact used to treat people with a wide range of illnesses. Its' focus is on improving the overall well-being of the patient, rather than the isolated treatment of specific symptoms.
According to Traditional Chinese philosophy, our health is dependent on the body's motivating energy - known as Qi - moving in a smooth and balanced way through a series of 'channels' beneath the skin. Qi consists of equal and opposite qualities - yin and yang -and when these become unbalanced, illness may result.
By inserting fine needles into these channels of energy, an acupuncturist can stimulate the body's own healing response and help to restore its natural balance. The flow of Qi can be disturbed by a number of factors. These include emotional states such as anxiety, stress, anger, fear or grief, poor nutrition, weather conditions, hereditary factors, infections, poisons and trauma.
Most people's experience of needles is of those used in injections and Blood tests.
Acupuncture needles bear little resemblance to these. They are much finer and are solid rather than hollow.
When the needle is inserted, the sensation is often described as a tingling or dull ache. Needles are left in for around 20 minutes depending on the effect required and the constitution of the patient.
During treatments, patients commonly experience a heaviness in the limbs or a pleasant feeling of relaxation.
The benefits of acupuncture frequently include more than just relief from a particular condition. Many people find that it also leads to increased energy levels, better appetite and sleep as well as an enhanced sense of well-being.
If you are receiving treatment from your doctor then it makes sense to tell them about your plans to have acupuncture.
The treatment may enable you to reduce or even stop taking some forms of medication, but your doctor should be consulted regarding any change of prescription.
You should always tell your acupuncturist about any medication you are taking as this may affect your response to the acupuncture treatment.
Many people have acupuncture for help with specific symptoms or conditions. These might include anxiety states, arthritis, asthma, back pain, circulatory problems, depression, facial paralysis, fibrositis, high blood pressure, indeterminate aches and pains, infertility, menstrual problems, migraines, rheumatism, sciatica, skin conditions or ulcers.
Acupuncture is a safe treatment for all. It has proved to be effective in pregnancy and birth management. It is also helpful for people trying to overcome addictions such as smoking, alcohol, food and drugs. Many people have acupuncture as a preventative measure to strengthen their constitution, or because they feel unwell in themselves without being 'ill' in the Western sense. It can also be used alongside conventional medicine in the treatment of both acute and chronic disease. Recently it has become a very popular treatment for facial rejuvenation (cosmetic acupuncture) as it offers good results without surgery.
In traditional acupuncture philosophy, each person is considered unique, and therefore the number of treatments required depends on the individual.
Some change is usually felt after five treatments. Normally you are recommended to come for treatment once or twice a week initially, although some conditions may need less frequent attention.
Sometimes the effects of the treatment are dramatic and only one or two treatments are required. With other patients, the effects are more subtle and they may need treatment over several months.
To guard against the transmission of disease, sterile disposable needles are always used. Strict hygiene practises are followed in accordance with local authority licensing and insurance requirements.
All qualified therapists have undergone training in safe practice.

Moxa is a dried form of a herb called Mugwort and is used in various forms. These include being attached to the top of an acupuncture needle, in the form of a cigar-shaped stick or in a box which is placed onto a patients' back or abdomen.
Moxa burns very slowly and gives off a lot of heat which is used to warm the channels and acupuncture points or specific muscles.
It helps to move Qi and also improves circulation and can be very useful for tight and stiff muscles, cold in the body or under-functioning and sluggish body systems.
Electroacupuncture is a form of acupuncture where a small electric current is passed between pairs of acupuncture needles. It is particularly good for treating neurological diseases, including chronic pain, spasm, and paralysis. It can also be used in facial rejuvenation acupuncture to stimulate and tone muscles on the face.
It is used when greater stimulation of an acupuncture point or channel is needed.
Gua Sha
This is aan ncient method of promoting Qi, blood circulation and removal of toxic heat, stagnant blood and lymph fluid from the body.
Gua sha is useful in treating chronic pain, colds and flu'. Gua Sha oil is applied to the skin. This oil is enhanced either with healing herbs or essential oils chosen to aid the extraction of toxic waste. The skin is then scraped in the area of discomfort or at times on the entire body using a specific Gua Sha tool depending on whether the treatment is for physical or emotional healing. Gua Sha treatments are not painful.
Auricular Therapy
The whole body is represented on the ear and all parts of the body can be treated with the ear. Auricular therapy can include; magnets, needles, or electrical stimulation. It has become very popular for addiction therapy, especially smoking cessation.
Massage is used regularly to help further relax muscles and mobilise joints or to improve circulation of blood and Qi in a particular area.
This is a method of stimulating acupuncture points by applying suction through a metal, wood, glass or latex jar, in which a partial vacuum has been created. This technique produces blood flow at the site, and therefore stimulation. Cupping may leave red marks but are not painful. This usually disappears in about a week. Cupping is very useful in musculo-skeletal problems, asthma, and many other conditions.